What is this?
This is CircleTime, a tool for helping people visualize a schedule, and keep track of it throughout the day.
The circle represents one day, from midnight to midnight.
I can't see the part of the schedule I want to see.
Clicking and dragging on the schedule will roate and zoom
Alternatively, hold shift and use the arrow keys:
Shift+Up = zoom in
Shift+Down = zoom out
Shift+Right = Rotate time so you can see earlier events
Shift+Left = Rotate time so you can see later events
How do you add an event?
The text box on the left is for writing the events you want to appear on the circle of time.
The basic syntax is:
<startTime>-<endTime> <description>.
Where startTime is the time an event starts, such as 10:00am, endTime is the time an event ends, such as 1pm and description is how you want the event to be labeled on the circle, and possible audibly announced.
9a-10:30a Dad to dentist
10:00am-11:00am Soccer
1p-2p Meeting
If you only provide one time, it will be treated as a short term event, and will be displayed as such, for eaxmple:
3p Leave now
6p Preheat oven
It's also possible to add extra voice reminders relative to either the start or end of an event, for example:
9a(-5)-10:30a Dad to dentist (Adds a reminder that the dentist is starting in 5 minutes at 8:55am)
10:00am-11:00am(-10) Soccer (Adds a reminder at 10:50 that Soccer will end in 10 min)
1p(-5,+5,+10)-2p Meeting (Adds three reminders about the meeting, one at 12:55, one at 1:05, and one at 1:10)
Why did you make this?
I have a terrible sense of time, and find it genuinely difficult to visualize how a daily schedule is arranged, so it's helpful to me and my children. It also provides a neutral arbiter of the schedule that reduces the need for parental nagging.
Is this free?
Yep, it's free, but if you feel like helping me pay for the cost of hosting, I'd appreciate it: